Biodynamic farming in Brodowin

Soil, plant, animal and human cycle

Here, farming becomes an experience. We see our farm as an organism and work in harmony with nature. Our biodynamic agriculture is a cycle of soil, plant, animal and human. We give back to the soil what we have taken from it and rely on targeted crop rotation and green manuring. A special feature of biodynamic farming is our homeopathic preparations, which give the soil and plants strength and vitality.

Our roots lie in biodynamic agriculture, which was founded by Rudolf Steiner in 1924. His ideas set in motion a movement that is known today as Demeter. We have respect for nature and focus on variety, freshness and quality. In our nursery, we work without chemical pesticides and rely on refined hoeing techniques and special organic equipment. Our bumblebee colonies help to pollinate the plants and other insects, such as ladybugs and parasitic wasps, ensure that our plants are spared pests.

Sustainable agriculture in Brodowin

Diversity on 2,400 hectares: bread grain, vegetables & co.

Farming in Brodowin means working with nature

We are committed to biodynamic agriculture. Our work is a cycle of soil, plant, animal and human. Through systematic crop rotation and targeted green manuring, we try to give back to the soil what we have taken from it. A special feature of biodynamic farming is our homeopathic preparations, which give the soil and plants strength and vitality.

We farm around 1,500 hectares of land in and around Brodowin. In 2020, we also leased a farm in neighboring Oderberg with 850 hectares. This was converted to biodynamic farming and has been fully recognized as a Demeter farm since 1 July 2023.
We grow bread grain and vegetables for the region on around 60% of the land in Brodowin. The remaining 40% is used to grow clover grass for silage and as pasture, to grow barley as animal feed (barley meal), to grow lupins (as a protein component instead of soy) and for meadows where we make hay. A large part of our Demeter farm is therefore kept for the independent care of the animals in order to do justice to the concept of the cycle.

At the same time, we run various nature conservation projects on our land and in the surrounding countryside.

Vegetable growing and market gardening

No chemicals for variety, freshness and quality

Fresh vegetables: quality and seasonality

With 30 hectares of open field cultivation and a 2,000 square meter greenhouse, our nursery is one of the largest Demeter nurseries in Germany. We focus on variety, freshness and quality and do not use chemical pesticides. The amount of work involved in the Brodowin nursery is far greater than in conventional agriculture - a lot of manual labor is required! We use sophisticated hoeing techniques and flame weeding equipment to control weeds. We also rely on the help of insects such as bumblebees, ladybugs and parasitic wasps to keep our plants free of pests.

In addition to cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce, insects are also very welcome in our greenhouse. The bumblebee colonies living in our greenhouse help to pollinate the plants. Other insects, such as ladybugs and parasitic wasps, are specifically introduced to keep the plants free of pests. In this way, we can avoid the use of toxic pesticides.

We offer over 10 different varieties of vegetables depending on the season. Our Brodowin delivery service is a particularly convenient way to get freshly harvested vegetables. We are proud to be part of the Demeter movement and are committed to holistic agriculture. Come and visit us on our farm and see the quality of our produce for yourself!

Order Brodowin vegetables online

The Brodowiner delivery service brings it home!