Brodowin vegetable field
National heritage tree in Pehlitzwerder
18 Apr 2023

National heritage tree in Pehlitzwerder

Did you know that Chorin Monastery was actually supposed to be built on the Pehlitzwerder peninsula near Brodowin? However, the monks found it too marshy there in the long run...

Luckily for the winter lime tree, which has probably been standing there in peace and quiet for 600 years and which was declared a "national heritage tree" by the German Dendrological Society in the presence of 120 guests on April 15.


Photo: Uwe Dathe

With a trunk circumference of 7.20 meters, a height of around 22 meters and countless hollows, bulbs and stumps, anyone who comes face to face with this tree for the first time will be amazed. The fact that it was able to develop so well is probably due to the grazing of the surrounding land by sheep in its early days in the 13th century and today to the extraordinary care provided by the local authority, the district and, above all, the campsite association, on whose land the so-called monastery lime tree stands.
The giant has even survived the past dry summers and is still largely supported by its well-preserved original trunk.

We would like to warmly recommend a visit to this remote location and support for the work of the association. You probably have around four centuries left: the monastery lime tree can live for up to 1,000 years!


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