Ready-made organic crates

Shopping made easy

Every week, we carefully select new varieties for our fruit and vegetable boxes. The selection is based on a wide range of criteria, such as the seasonality of the produce, variety and taste. Those who opt for the selected fruit box can be sure that all their taste preferences will be met. Of course, the selection of regional products is greater in summer, but we also pay attention to where our fruit and vegetables come from in winter.

Why not just regional?

We also want to promote global organic farming and fair working conditions - and give you the freedom to decide for yourself whether it should be the regional or mixed fruit box, for example.

For years we have maintained close, friendly relationships with many organic farms in Brandenburg. We buy our fruit and vegetables from here first! In this way, we not only strengthen regional diversity, but also bring a piece of Brandenburg to Berlin tables. We only buy food that does not grow in our fields out of season.

Whether for your home, nursery or school, the office or your catering business - we are really happy to supply you!

Brodowin cows on the pasture

Regional box

Our regional box is available in two sizes (€20 and €30). What you can expect: Predominantly regional, seasonal fruit and vegetables. For example, you can look forward to tomatoes from Brodowin in summer and cabbage, turnips and storable fruit in winter.

Brodowin chickens in the meadow

Raw food box

Are you a raw food fan or just want to enjoy something fresh and quick? Then the raw food box is perfect! It contains a selection of vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, kohlrabi and peppers. The raw food box is available in four sizes (€12.50 - €22.50).


Light meal box

Discover our light food box in four sizes (€12.50 - €22.50). It contains well-tolerated, easily digestible vegetables that are good for your stomach.

Brodowin cows on the pasture

Fruit crate

As the name suggests, you will only find fresh fruit in our fruit box. We focus on regionality and seasonal tropical fruit that can be eaten straight away. Don't worry, lemons or limes are not included in the box. Choose your fruit box in one of five sizes (€10 - €22.50).

Brodowin chickens in the meadow

Single box

Our single box is perfect for the one-person household and costs just €15. It contains a selection of fruit and vegetables in practical individual portions, which also reduces food waste.


Vegetable box

In our vegetable box, which is available in four sizes (€12.50 - €22.50), you will find a wide variety of fresh, seasonal vegetables. You can look forward to raw vegetables as well as varieties that can be used for delicious vegetable dishes.

Brodowin cows on the pasture

Recipe box

Our recipe box makes cooking child's play - from starters to desserts. Simply choose one of our dishes and we will deliver the ingredients and recipe to your doorstep. We regularly adapt our recipe selection to suit the season.


Brodowin chickens in the meadow

Brodowin treasure chest

The Brodowiner treasure chest is a trial offer that allows you to discover the Brodowiner range. You get a 20% discount and are provided with all the basic groceries - sounds great, doesn't it?

Brodowin chickens in the meadow

Individual box

Discover the freedom to put together your own individual boxes! New every week, for every need. Whether as a one-off or over a certain period of time - design your selection according to your wishes!

For offices and companies

motivating - professional - time-saving

Healthood and employee motivation made easy? Our Brodowin delivery service offers fresh organic fruit, vegetables and treats at attractive conditions. A healthy diet also contributes to performance in a stressful working day.

With over 25 years of experience, we deliver fresh organic food directlyto the company at least once a week. Whether fruit for reception, the kitchenette or the entire workforce - we find individual solutions. Deliveries of fruit and vegetables can be recognized as company health care and subsidized by the tax office with up to €500 per year and employee.

Interested? Talk to us:

Customer service
03334 - 81 81 300

Brodowin cows on the pasture

Office basket fruit

Our office box provides your team with fresh fruit. You can choose between two sizes (€20.00 or €35.00). Your employees will love it! It takes more than just a fruit basket to be a good employer, but it's just not as tasty without one.

Brodowin chickens in the meadow

Office box vegetables

The office box of vegetables contains a variety of raw vegetables such as carrots, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes and kohlrabi. These are ideal as a fresh snack or salad meal between meals. This healthy variety is available in two sizes (€20 and €35).


Office box fruit & vegetables

The composition of this perfect mix box varies every week and provides additional variety in the office.
Depending on the size of your team, you can choose between two sizes (€20 and €35).

The Brodowin nursery and school box

Good for your child: Healthy nutrition right from the start!

Romping around, playing, learning and much more. A child's day is exciting and active. A balanced diet plays an important role in ensuring that they haveenoughenergy for all theirplans.Our Brodowiner delivery service is on hand to help you optimize your child's diet. This way, children can enjoy the delicious variety of healthy, regional foods right from the start.

We provide you with high-quality organic food at transparent prices.

Uncomplicated: Order your purchases conveniently by phone or online. If you need certain items regularly, we can set up standing orders for you. This saves you having to place repeat orders and we automatically deliver to your desired location - be it ins classroom or directly to your kitchen.

Simply contact us for a personal consultation:

Customer service
03334 - 81 81 300

Ecological - from product to delivery

In Berlin's inner city districts, the box comes to youwithout any fuel-consuming cars.Instead, we deliver to you with electric bicycles. They use e-bikes with refrigerated cases to ensure that your orders arrive fresh and intact.

There has been a very special container at Berlin Südkreuz since 2018. The former refrigerated box of one of our vehicles was given a new lease of life some time ago as a "microhub" (small temporary storage facility). Together with DB Energie and inno2grid we have created a basis for a sustainable and emission-free food transportation system. Here, the electricity for cooling the container and charging the cargo bikes is generated from locally produced solar energy. Your food is delivered in deposit boxes and temporarily stored in the container before it is delivered on the cargo bikes. The location was also chosen deliberately, as Berlin Südkreuz station is particularly well connected as a "station of the future".

Our products are delivered to distribution centers in the city, which ensure emission-free final delivery. Thanks to the software of Green City Logistics software, coordination and collaboration run smoothly and ensure efficient and transparent delivery.